Tales from Ara: Let the Demons Come

Caroline and her friends are still trying to find out the truth about her past.

How did she come to have her powers?

Who are her true parents?

But first, they must find a way to save Far-Flunga from the clutches of demons, or find a cure for a mysterious disease that plagues the land.

The problem is, no one exactly knows what's happening on Ara right now.

As they set off on their perilous journey, Caroline’s insecurities and need for achievement threaten to consume her.

Will she risk everything and lead her companions - the faithful Bernard, Goldie, and the guards - into mortal danger to prove her worth?

Some say she should just trust in King Karayan’s wisdom and powers, but despite everything Caroline feels compelled to fulfil her destiny and uncover her hidden past.

But is she right?

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